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Spring Transfers

Between now and November 15, you will receive an updated Transfer Credit Evaluation.

The updates will reflect the new courses you’ve told us about, and new advice for courses to consider this spring. These are suggestions, and they are broad and unspecific, but they can help to bring order to the chaos, so we suggest using that as your starting place. The TCE may well be your most direct and useful resource for registration planning.

Read through our brief resource and the materials online to familiarize yourself more with the Core, with your chosen major, and with the registration process.

Your peer advisor will be reaching out, and you should feel free to reach out to them as well. Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Corcoran or your assigned dean as well.

Note: The Guide to Course Selection and Registration page contains a number of key resources that will help your planning and transition. Several of these links will point to references to Fall 2019 or summer registration. Please forgive any errors of that sort. We have opted to leave these pages up and running and to continue to link to the information regardless, because they are still helpful.

Of particular interest among the linked resources should be: