2024 Language Placement Guidelines
The language placement guidelines described on this page serve three different purposes:
- to identify the appropriate level for the purposes of course enrollment
- to confirm placement above the intermediate level and fulfill the Georgetown University vlog’ core requirement in foreign language (note: for SFS students, the proficiency exam is required to fulfill the SFS foreign language requirement. Please consult your advising dean).
- to confirm eligibility for AP and other credits (e.g., for transfer of college language courses from previous institutions)
Placement policies and procedures vary according to language, so please carefully read the specific instructions for each language that you have studied previously and that you anticipate studying, receiving advanced credit for, and/or fulfilling the language requirement at the vlog.There is a process in place to request academic accommodationson the basis of disability. Students must submit a request through the Academic Resource Center’s. We recommend beginning this process in June if the exam is to be taken in July. If the student’s accommodation request is approved, the ARC will provide documentation for the student to share with the department administering the exam.
After you have reviewed these guidelines and confirmed your language level, please consult the for language course listings, then register for courses as appropriate.
Language programs at Georgetown usually provide language testing once a year for students who believe they will test out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement, and who do not intend to continue their study of language at Georgetown.
*Note for SFS students: All School of Foreign Service students must take the relevant language placement exam or fill out the Google form for fluency, regardless of their level. The placement exam does not confer proficiency and will not meet the SFS language proficiency requirement.
Students with no previous experience in a language should simply register for an introductory course in that language (in most cases, non-intensive introductory courses are numbered 1001 and intensive introductory courses are numbered 1011).
Click on the appropriate language for placement instructions:
- Arabic
- Catalan
- Chinese
- French
- German
- Greek: Ancient
- Greek: Modern
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Latin
- Persian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
Students with no previous Arabic language coursework should register for ARAB-1011 Intensive First Level Modern Standard Arabic I.
Students who have previously studied Arabic and wish to either continue their language study or place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in Arabic should follow the appropriate instructions below.
A placement exam score is only valid for the semester in which the exam is taken. If there is a gap between the time of the placement exam and your most recent Arabic course, you will need to retake the placement exam.
All students should receive the exam results in Canvas at the end of the placement exam upon pressing submit. Following the Off-Campus exam, the department will contact individual students regarding their course registration. For the On-Campus and Proctored exams (the off-campus exam PLUS the Zoom interview), results will be sent directly to the student’s dean, so students should contact their respective academic advisor for their test results.
Students should contact Professor Elena Herburger, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, for guidance in taking Catalan.
Students with no previous Mandarin Chinese coursework should register for CHIN-1011 Intensive First Level Chinese I.
Students with previous Mandarin Chinese experience who plan to continue with Chinese, or who wish to place out of the vlog’ language requirement, are required to take a two-part placement exam:
- Students should take the preliminary online placement exam (Part I) prior to July 19th. Students who wish to register for a Chinese course in the fall should follow the placement recommendations upon completion of the exam.
- To confirm placement, students MUST also complete an oral or a writing test via Zoom (Part II), which will be scheduled by the Department. Zoom tests will be conducted the week of August 19th.
More information about the Chinese placement exam can be found on .
Students with an AP score of 4 or 5 are eligible for credit if they are placed beyond CHIN-1512 on the Chinese placement test (Part I and II) and also successfully complete CHIN-2001 or a more advanced Chinese course at Georgetown. For additional information about advanced credit, please consult the .
There are TWO versions of the Chinese placement exam:
- The simplified Chinese Exam is for those who read simplified characters.
- The traditional Chinese Exam is for those who read traditional characters.
Students with no previous French language coursework should register for either:
- FREN-1001 Introductory French I, or
- FREN-1011 Intensive Basic French (a one-semester, intensive course equivalent to FREN-1001 Introductory French I and FREN-1002 Introductory French II).
- Students who are advanced speakers of Spanish have the option of enrolling in FREN-1009 (French for Spanish Speakers) and completing a full year of French in one semester (3 credits), the equivalent of either FREN-1001 and FREN-1002 or FREN-1011.
Students with previous French experience who wish to continue studying French are required to take the online placement exam during the summer and to follow the placement recommendations at the end of the exam. Here is the French and Francophone Studies department’s for your reference.
Students who wish to earn AP credit must take the online placement exam and take the appropriate course. For more information, please see: Students who wish to place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in French, and who do not intend to continue their study of French at Georgetown, should take the online placement exam at any time prior to Friday, July 19, 2024, and complete an in-person interview, which will be scheduled by the Department. Please contact the Placement Exam and Confirmation Oral Interview Coordinator, Sylvie Durmelat: durmelas@georgetown.edu by August 19, 2024. In-person interviews will be scheduled for Monday, August 26, 2024.
Students with no previous German language coursework should register for either:
- GERM-1001 Introductory German I: Experiencing Germany, or
- GERM-1011 Intensive Basic German: Experiencing Germany.
Students with previous German language coursework should determine their preliminary placement by taking the German placement exam online (Three parts: C-test, Listening, and Reading) between July 5 and July 19. Placement according to the online placement exam result is by level. For registration purposes, students should consult this list to find the course number that corresponds to the level into which they were placed:
- Level I: GERM-1001 Introductory German I: Experiencing Germany or GERM-1011 Intensive Basic German: Contemporary Germany
- Level II: GERM-1501 Intermediate German I: Experiencing Germany or GERM-1511 Intensive Intermediate German: Experiencing Germany
- Level III: GERM-2001 Advanced German I: Stories & Histories or GERM-2011 Intensive Advanced German: Stories & Histories
- Level IV: Any Level IV Course (GERM-3000)
Students seeking to place out of the vlog’ core requirement in foreign language in German should take the online exam (all three parts) over the summer. Students who place into Advanced German I or higher on that exam will be contacted by the department to schedule a Zoom interview. Note that in order to receive AP credit, students will need to be placed in an appropriate level and also complete a course at that level. For additional information about advanced credit, please consult the .
Greek: Ancient
Students should contact Professor Charles McNelis, Classics placement coordinator, for advice on final placement. A rough guide for preliminary placement is as follows:
- 0–2 years: CLSG-1011 Ancient Greek I
- 3 years: CLSG-1511 Intermediate Ancient Greek (offered in fall only)
- 4+ years: CLSG-1511 Intermediate Ancient Greek (offered in fall only) or Advanced Greek (CLSG 2000+)
Greek: Modern
Students with no previous experience in modern Greek should register for GREE-1011 Intensive First Level Modern Greek I.
Students with no previous experience in modern Greek should register for GREE-1011 Intensive First Level Modern Greek I.
Students with previous modern Greek language coursework should contact Professor Ismini Lamb prior to July 19 for instructions on how to complete the placement exam and a Zoom interview. Zoom interviews will be conducted largely during NSO and will be completed prior to the start of classes. A rough guide to placement (which should be confirmed by the placement exam) is as follows:
- 0–2 years: GREE-1011 Intensive First-Level Modern Greek I
- 3-4 years: GREE-1511 Second-Level Modern Greek I
- 5+ years: GREE-2011 Third-Level Modern Greek I
Students with no previous experience in modern Hebrew or with a basic knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet but little grammar background should register for HEBR-1001 Intensive Beginning Hebrew.
The Placement Exam
The following students are required to take a Hebrew Placement Exam by July 19th:
- All students new to Georgetown’s Hebrew program who have prior Hebrew grammar knowledge.
- Students who believe they will place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in Hebrew, and who do not intend to continue their study of Hebrew at Georgetown
Please contact Professor Meital Orr to arrange to take the exam.
Hebrew Courses
The Hebrew course offerings at Georgetown (the completion of which constitutes the Hebrew minor) are as follows:
- HEBR-1001 & 1002 Intensive Beginning Hebrew I & II
- HEBR-2001 & 2002 Intermediate Modern Hebrew I & II
- HEBR-3001 & 3002 Advanced Modern Hebrew I & II
Language Requirement Information
Students in the vlog who wish to satisfy the language requirement with Hebrew must complete HEBR-2002 Intermediate Modern Hebrew II, or four semesters of Hebrew (two semesters of Intensive Beginning Hebrew HEBR 1001 and HEBR 1002, and two semesters of Intermediate Hebrew: HEBR-2001 and HEBR-2002). Students in the BSFS or MSFS programs can take the Hebrew Proficiency Exam only after taking or placing out of (on the placement exam), Advanced Hebrew 2 (HEBR 3002). For more information about Hebrew courses or registering for exams, please contact the Hebrew Program Coordinator, Professor Meital Orr, in the Center for Jewish Civilization.
Students with no previous Italian language coursework should register for ITAL-1011 Intensive Basic Italian.
Determining placement:
Students with previous Italian experience who wish to continue studying Italian are required to take the online placement exam during the summer and to follow the placement recommendations at the end of the exam.
Students who wish to place out of the vlog’ language requirement in Italian, and who do not intend to continue their study of Italian at Georgetown, should take the online placement exam at any time prior to July 19, 2024, and complete an in-person interview, which will be scheduled by the Department. Once students have completed the online placement test, they should contact Italian Language Coordinator, Louise Hipwell, at lfh5@georgetown.edu to schedule the follow-up confirmation exam. Zoom interviews will be conducted on August 27th.
Earning AP credit:
Students who wish to earn AP credit must take the online placement exam and take the appropriate course. Students of Italian with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP exam are eligible for credit. In order to receive credit, these students must place into and successfully complete ITAL-2012, in which case they will receive 5 credits for ITAL-2011. Students who place into and successfully complete a 200-level Italian course will receive 10 credits for ITAL-2011 and 2012.
For more information, please visit the following page:
Students with no previous Japanese language coursework should register for JAPN-1011 Intensive First Level Japanese I.
All other students must take the online placement exam prior to July 19 to determine the appropriate level for purposes of course enrollment.
Students who believe they will place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in Japanese, and who do not intend to continue their study of Japanese at Georgetown, should take the online placement exam prior to July 19 and complete a Zoom interview on August 27. Students taking the Japanese Zoom interview must sign up via using their GUID. After signing up, they will be provided with the link to join a Zoom meeting by email. Students seeking AP credit in Japanese should take the online placement exam. In order to receive AP credit, students must take at least one Japanese language course at the level of their placement (beyond JAPN 2112) at Georgetown. For additional information about advanced credit, please consult the .
Students with no previous Korean coursework should register for KREN-1011 Intensive First Level Korean I.
Students with previous Korean learning experiences who plan to continue with Korean, or who wish to place out of the vlog’ language requirement, are required to take a two-part placement exam:
- Students should take the preliminary online placement exam (Part I) prior to July 19. Students who wish to register for a Korean course in the fall should follow the placement recommendations upon completion of the exam.
- To confirm placement, students MUST also complete the confirmation test comprised of an oral interview and writing test with a Korean faculty member via Zoom (Part II). The confirmation test will be conducted during the week of August 26th. To make an appointment for the interview please contact Professor Min Koo Choi.
Students with no previous experience in Latin should register for CLSL-1011 Latin I.
Students with previous experience in Latin must take the online placement exam at any time prior to July 19th to determine the appropriate level for purposes of course enrollment.
Students who believe they will place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in Latin, and who do not intend to continue their study of Latin at Georgetown, must take the online placement exam at any time prior to July 19th. Individuals who score above Intermediate Latin (CLSL 1511) should contact Professor Justin Haynes for a follow-up exam to be administered late August.
Students seeking AP credit in Latin for an AP score of 4 or 5 must take the online placement exam over the summer. Students are eligible to receive four credits for CLSL 1511 (Intermediate Latin). In order to receive credit for Intermediate Latin, a student must place into and successfully complete one course in Latin (CLSL) at the 2000-level or above (for example, CLSL 2010). Students who place into or take CLSL 1011/1012 or CLSL 1511 will not receive AP credit.
Students with no previous background in Persian should register for PERS-1011 Intensive First-Level Persian I.
Students with one year of Arabic, the equivalent of 12 credits, without knowledge of Persian should register for PERS-1009 Persian for Arabic speakers I.
All other students should contact Professor .
Students with no previous background in Polish should register for PLSH-1001 Beginning Polish.
All other students should contact Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages.
Students with no previous Portuguese coursework, who have completed an advanced level of a Romance language, or who are heritage/native speakers of a Romance language should register for:
- PORT-1500 Accelerated Portuguese
Students with previous coursework in Portuguese should determine their level as follows:
- Less than 2 years: PORT-1500 Accelerated Portuguese or PORT-2101 Advanced Portuguese I. Take the placement exam by July 19th to confirm the appropriate level.
- 2-5 years: PORT-2101 Advanced Portuguese I. This is a required course for majors and minors. All majors and minors must take PORT 2101 regardless of the order in which they take Portuguese courses. Heritage speakers are placed here also.
- 5+ years: PORT 2199 Literature & Culture of the Portuguese-speaking World, offered every semester, or PORT 2151 Advanced Conversation, offered every fall.
Students who believe they will place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in Portuguese, and who do not intend to continue their study of Portuguese at Georgetown, should take the by July 19th during the summer and contact Prof. to schedule a Zoom interview. Please contact Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese if you have questions about how the guidelines above may apply to you specifically or for more information.
Students with no previous Russian coursework should register for RUSS-1011 Intensive First-Level Russian I.
All students with any previous knowledge of Russian MUST take the placement exam during the summer prior to July 19th. You may not place yourself in a language class. The results of the placement exam will indicate what class a student should register for.
Students who believe they will place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in Russian, and who do not intend to continue their study of Russian at Georgetown, should also take the online placement exam (oral and written) during the summer. Students who place beyond RUSS-1012 on the placement exam will have met the vlog’ language requirement.
The Russian placement exam will be available online between July 1 and July 19. All test takers should contact Prof. George Mihaychuk to take the Russian Placement exam (written/online and oral/Zoom). You will then receive instructions for taking the exam. Both parts must be completed by July 19 at the latest.
Students with no previous Spanish language coursework should register for:
- SPAN-1000 Beginning Spanish, or
- SPAN-1001 Introductory Spanish I, or
- SPAN-1011 Intensive Basic Spanish.
Students with previous experience in Spanish must take the online placement exam at any time prior to July 19th to determine the appropriate level for purposes of course enrollment.
In order to receive credit for advanced exams (AP, IB, SAT II, etc.), students must take the online placement exam on Canvas and enroll in (and pass) a course at Georgetown. SFS students must place in at least SPAN 2161 or above in order to receive credit for SPAN 2001 and 2002, which can be done by taking the Spanish Validation ExamFor additional information about advanced credit, please consult the .
Students with no previous background in Turkish should register for TURK-1011 Intensive Beginning Turkish I
Students should contact Professor Sylvia Önder, Head of the Turkish Program, for guidance in taking Turkish placement tests or testing to place out of the vlog’ foreign language requirement in Turkish.
Students with no previous background in Ukrainian should check the fall 2023 schedule of classes and register for UKRN-1001, Beginning Ukrainian, or contact Professor Elena Boudovskaia for more information.
All other students should contact Professor Boudovskaia in the Department of Slavic Languages.