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Manage My Schedule and Exams

Please consult the  for specific deadlines related to the procedures below.

How do I register for a course pass/fail?

Beginning in sophomore year, students may take up to one course per semester pass/fail. The course must be an elective. Courses that fulfill general education, major, minor, or certificate requirements cannot be taken pass/fail. To receive a passing grade (S), you must earn the equivalent of a C or above. The grade of C- or below will result in a failing grade (U), and no credit will be awarded. To apply to take a course pass/fail, please fill out the pass/fail request form, and bring it to the dean’s office for approval. See the Undergraduate Bulletin for .

How do I register for a tutorial?

Tutorials are designed to meet the needs of individual students under specific academic circumstances. Students are encouraged to begin the process well before the beginning of the semester. You must submit a tutorial request form, with all required signatures, by the end of the add/drop period.

How do I register for a sixth course?

Full-time students typically take five courses each semester. All overloads must be approved by the student’s dean. Students may not preregister for six classes or add six courses via ; a paper add/drop form is required.

How do I register for a course in another undergraduate school?

With the exception of ACCT-001 and FINC-150, all MSB courses have enrollment restrictions, which preclude preregistration. (See more detail below.) Many SFS and NHS classes are open to College students, but you should pay particular attention to course restrictions (for major, school, or class year) listed in the  when choosing courses in other schools.

MSB professors will not sign add/drop forms, so please do not approach them seeking permission to add you to their course(s). If you hope to take an MSB class, a list of potential MSB courses will be circulated by the College Dean’s Office prior to the start of the semester. If you meet all the necessary prerequisites for the course, you will be able to add the course starting on the Tuesday before classes begin. Note that not all McDonough courses are available for registration. 

How do I register for a consortium course?

Georgetown University belongs to the Consortium of Universities of Washington, DC. If you would like to take a course through the consortium, you must seek approval from the dean’s office before registering. Please see the university’s for more information.

How do I register for internship credit?

The College does not award credit directly for participation in internships. However, we do award credit for courses that combine a student’s internship experience with intellectual reflection. The College offers a one-credit pass/fail course for College sophomores, juniors, and seniors in good standing for this purpose: IDST-315 College Internship Experience. Students may take this course for credit more than once, but only 1 credit will count toward the Georgetown degree (the limit of 1 credit includes credit from MGMT-311, a similar course taught in the MSB). IDST-315 may be taken in the fall or spring semester. A student who has a summer internship may enroll in IDST-315 in the subsequent fall semester.

In addition, students may seek faculty sponsorship for intellectual reflection related to an internship in the form of a tutorial. Tutorials require faculty, department, and dean’s office approval, and the credits vary based on the tutorial. There are also established Georgetown courses that are designed for students in internships, such as and (see course descriptions for details).

Can I audit a course?

No. Georgetown University ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø does not recognize courses for audit.

I can’t complete the work for my course by the end of the semester. What should I do?

Students must complete all coursework no later than the date of the final exam. In the case of illness or other grave circumstances, you must request permission from the dean’s office to receive the provisional grade of incomplete (N). You must submit a request for an N grade no later than the last day of class. Students on academic probation are not eligible for incomplete grades. When an N grade is granted, the course must be completed and the final grade submitted by the professor no later than March 30 for the fall semester, September 30 for the spring semester, or November 30 for the summer sessions. Please see the Undergraduate Bulletin for .

What’s a conflict final exam? Do I qualify?

The conflict exam is available for students who have two final exams scheduled for the same time, three final exams scheduled for the same day, or three final exams in successive time slots. The conflict exam is administered on the last day of the final exams. To request that one of your final exams be administered by the dean’s office during the conflict exam period, please fill out and return the conflict exam form to the College dean’s office.

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