Declare a Major/Minor
How To Declare a Major
First-year students in sciences and languages enter with those majors declared in order to facilitate the four-year arc that those majors generally entail. Declared first-years may explore alternate majors through core and elective work, but remain with their entering major until the sophomore year, when they may change to Undeclared, or to a new major directly.
First-year students otherwise enter the College as Undeclared students, using the first and second year to explore the curriculum in search of their choice of major. The major may be declared in sophomore year.
When you decide on a major, email the in the major department to request to declare the major and receive a faculty advisor assignment. Once you’ve secured this information, complete and submit an Academic Program Changes Form to be reviewed by your Advising Dean or Academic Counselor in the College Dean’s Office.
Please note that if you are planning on majoring in Government or Psychology, you must attend a department major information session before declaring the major. Please check with the Director of Undergraduate Studies for upcoming dates for the information sessions.
To change a major or add a second major, please follow the same process as outlined above via the Academic Program Changes Form.
To change a major or add a second major, email the in the major department to request to declare the major and receive a faculty advisor assignment. Once you’ve secured this information, complete and submit an Academic Program Changes Form to be reviewed by your Advising Dean or Academic Counselor in the College Dean’s Office.
How to Declare a Minor
Undeclared, first-year students may declare a minor(s) for the first time in their sophomore year.
Minors may be declared at the same time you are declaring your major. For most minors, the declaration process is simple. Add your minor(s) to the same Academic Program Changes Form you are using to declare your major. Most minors do not require department approval or signature. See below for more information on minors that require an application.
To change a minor or add a second minor, complete and submit an Academic Program Changes Form to be reviewed by your Advising Dean or Academic Counselor in the College Dean’s Office. Most minors do not require department approval or signature. See below for more information on our application-based minors.
Minors by Application
There are several minors in the College that require an application. For details on the application process and deadlines, please visit that minor’s program page:
- Business Administration
The minor in Cognitive Science normally requires that you have a major or minor in one of the participating disciplines: Biology, Computer Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, and Psychology. Others may seek permission to take the minor by contacting the Director of Cognitive Science.
Interested students should schedule an appointment with Professor Laura Anderko.
All students majoring or minoring in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, or Physics are eligible to pursue the minor. Others may seek to pursue the minor by submitting a written proposal to Assistant Dean Michael Parker after having taken two major-level courses from one of the above departments.
How to Declare a Certificate
College students may earn a certificate in a regional study offered through the School of Foreign Service. Contact the program for requirements and application information. Once you’ve received approval, complete and submit an Academic Program Changes Form to be reviewed by your Advising Dean or Academic Counselor in the College Dean’s Office.